Wednesday, June 4, 2014

How Do I Properly Install Zend Framework on Bluehost Server?

1. download latest zend framework 2. unzip and upload to your public_html folder 3. rename it to zf 4. download zend skeleton to test your environment on bluehost. 5. unzip and upload it to public_html folder 6. rename it to zf2-tutorial 7. find file zf2-tutorial\init_autoloader.php 8. right click and edit the file 9. replace the line with $zf2Path = false; //$zf2Path = false; $zf2Path = '/home4/mydomainpathhere/public_html/zf/library'; Your are letting the zend locate the zend framework which you added to zf folder. 10. on the url go to

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